Cut From a Different Cloth… Johnathan Robertson Co-Founder of CherryDOTDork Apparel

Hello Everybody!

Day 2 of the Black History in the Making segment! I’m so very excited to share with you another trailblazer and creator,  Johnathan Robertson. This young man has set himself apart in more ways than one. I’ve admired his creative designs that paint my TLs over the last few years. He is so talented!   Take a peak into his journey:

The motivation to start my business was the want to stand out and not look like everyone else when it came to clothing. The best way to do that was to put my skills as an artist to work and make my own stuff. But it didn’t start out as the clothing and apparel company known as cherryDOTdork that people know today. It actually started out as a way to help make money for a non-profit known as MoreThanDance. It started off as just t-shirts and as MTD grew so did the t-shirt aspect until it was brought to me, since I was the art director, as its own separate company called cherryDOTdork, named after the co-creator Micheal Cherry. Since then it has grown tremendously to a brand that is personable and unique.

Like I said in the beginning, the motivation that drives me to keep pushing forward with CDD is the idea of having something that’s me, that I like to wear, and that you won’t see on everyone if you walked through the mall. With that being said society has played a major part in my brand, because it shows me everyday that people just want to follow the rest of the crowd to fit in. And also society wants us all to easily be identified and able to be put in categories. I feel they truly fear the individual or anybody that doesn’t fit their molds. Looking at that I see what I can do different to not fit in but stand out, which is the core of my brand. I can honestly say the best part or creating is knowing that other people like it enough, to not only want to wear it, but pay for it.

If I could go back and talk to my younger self at the beginning of this, or even in general, it would be to not be afraid of doing things different, doing things I like, or just to try something. Because one of the best things about creating something of your own is that the final say is always with you.


Twitter/Instagram: @cherrydotdork
Personal twitter/instagram: @subconsciouslim

Writing with Monda

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